
凡8月19日前到我們網站,市集或 Zen Mart Oriental Supermarket 找到 Willa 特別版 “W” 字老婆餅, 請影張相email 到 重重有賞。 另外, 阿茂老婆餅已經出了全新獨立包裝。 期間新舊包裝同時上市。
凡8月19日前到我們網站,市集或 Zen Mart Oriental Supermarket 找到 Willa 特別版 “W” 字老婆餅, 請影張相email 到 重重有賞。 另外, 阿茂老婆餅已經出了全新獨立包裝。 期間新舊包裝同時上市。

“阿茂老婆餅“ 正式上市!Uncle E Wife Cake is officially la...
“阿茂老婆餅“ 正式上市啦! 『阿茂老婆餅』用糖冬瓜烹調成不甜不硬不粘牙的餡料,配以用適量豬油做成層次分而又不鬆散的酥皮,令你重溫家鄉的風味。 阿茂食品全手工製作,配合精美包裝。適合家人朋友分享及送禮。 * 特設堅固 及保鮮包裝,現提供送貨服務至全 英格蘭各大小城市! Uncle E Wife Cake is cooked with candied winter melon into a non-sweet, non-hard and non-sticky filling, with a layered and non-loose...
“阿茂老婆餅“ 正式上市!Uncle E Wife Cake is officially la...
“阿茂老婆餅“ 正式上市啦! 『阿茂老婆餅』用糖冬瓜烹調成不甜不硬不粘牙的餡料,配以用適量豬油做成層次分而又不鬆散的酥皮,令你重溫家鄉的風味。 阿茂食品全手工製作,配合精美包裝。適合家人朋友分享及送禮。 * 特設堅固 及保鮮包裝,現提供送貨服務至全 英格蘭各大小城市! Uncle E Wife Cake is cooked with candied winter melon into a non-sweet, non-hard and non-sticky filling, with a layered and non-loose...

20 Nov Popup in Woodley Town Center
A delicious breakfast can add energy to a good day. Uncle E will prepare pineapple buns and wife cakes at Woodley Town Center (near Lidl) this Sunday from 8:00-13:00.Freshly baked...
20 Nov Popup in Woodley Town Center
A delicious breakfast can add energy to a good day. Uncle E will prepare pineapple buns and wife cakes at Woodley Town Center (near Lidl) this Sunday from 8:00-13:00.Freshly baked...

Wife Cake Taster Program (6 pieces set, availab...
Try our Wife Cake, which has a sweet candy melon filling with layers of puff pastry. You can taste the original Hong Kong flavor in every bite. To keep it...
Wife Cake Taster Program (6 pieces set, availab...
Try our Wife Cake, which has a sweet candy melon filling with layers of puff pastry. You can taste the original Hong Kong flavor in every bite. To keep it...

13 Nov Popup in Woodley Town Center
After a long week of rain, the sun is back this week and hopefully we will have a sunny Sunday too.Uncle E will return to Woodley Town Center this Sunday...
13 Nov Popup in Woodley Town Center
After a long week of rain, the sun is back this week and hopefully we will have a sunny Sunday too.Uncle E will return to Woodley Town Center this Sunday...

30 Oct Popup in Woodley Town Center
Uncle E will be back to Woodley Town Center this Sunday 8:00-13:00! In order to respect my lovely wife, this week's weekly new food highlight will not be mystery anymore......
30 Oct Popup in Woodley Town Center
Uncle E will be back to Woodley Town Center this Sunday 8:00-13:00! In order to respect my lovely wife, this week's weekly new food highlight will not be mystery anymore......